

COOD RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED was registered in Nigeria in April 1997 as a limited liability company (RC.310809). Business activities started fully in 1998 and have been trading in corporate and promotional items and crowd control system both in Nigeria and Ghana.


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Oil & Gas


COOD Oil & Gas Services

COODSYNERGYN OIL WEST-AFRICA LIMITED is engaged in trading and refining crude oil & petrochemical investment, petroleum products e.g. ‘Synergyn’ Oil Lubricants, Diesel Oil (AGO), Fuel additives and Base oil lubes. Our continued Product initiatives, Quality standards, and Clients development have earned us the membership of the London Chamber of Commerce, Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce, and New York Business Council.


In 2002, COOD RESOURCES U.K. LIMITED signed the Sole & Exclusive Rights ‘International Representatives Agreement’ with SYNERGYN® – Manufacturer of the “World Best Lubricants” – to market and sell their Products in West Africa & U.K Region.

Presently, we import Synergyn lubricants and sell at MRS, NNPC retail outlets through an agreement signed with NNPC retail limited.

Our medium-term objective is to build a Lube Blending Plant /Refinery to manufacture Synergyn Oil and Fuel lubricants and Additives plus the refining of base oil in Nigeria, to service the West-Africa market.


What makes COODSYNERGYN Oil lubricant unique?

Preventalube Injector Cleaner and Fuel Conditioner is designed to protect and improve the performance of all internal combustion engines. Regular treatments combat the harmful effects of today's reduced octane blended fuels while increasing horsepower and extending the useful life of any internal combustion engine. Preventalube will reduce fuel consumption, provide for easier starting and significantly reduce engine maintenance. Green in color, Preventalube is created from pure petroleum products and derivatives with no methyl alcohol, often found in other fuel additives, that can damage and prompt premature failure of both fuel system and internal engine parts. Preventalube inhibits the formation of sulfuric acid on engine components, lubricates cylinders, absorbs water condensation, and controls varnish/gum buildup. 24/16-oz. bottles.
Synergyn® Oil Treatment: Add 240ml of Synergyn® Oil treatment when changing the oil in a passenger car or small truck and the drain interval will increase from the normal 4,800 km to 7200 km, while also reducing the heat and friction in the engine 25-30%.


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Around The World

The purpose of our business is to satisfy our clients' needs. This is why in all our activities we put our clients first by providing the best products and services.










Other Services

We offer you the best service and achieve all desired key perfomance indicators for your business.

COOD RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED has been in operation for over 24 years. We are a limited liability company (RC.310809) created to solve your energy, corporate and promotional gifting, crowd control system and telecommunications needs both in Nigeria and Ghana.

  • +234 803 319 0812
    WhatsApp - +234 802 312 5705
    SMS - +447 736 072 164

  • synergynoilltd@gmail.com

  • Plot 799, Paul Unongo Close,
    Off Ebitu Ukiwe street,
    Jabi-Abuja | P.M.B 5352, Wuse, Abuja-Nigeria.

  • Plot 1673, Oyin Jolayemi Street,
    P.o box 73490,
    Victoria Island Lagos.

  • London - U.K. Address:
    COOD Resources U.K. LTD
    71-75 Shelton Street,
    London WC2H 9JQ